Hey Newgrounds,
The highlight of my 2016 definitely was working on The Tale Teller with Jazza. Attening a live screening/launch party for something I'd worked on was a pretty memorabe moment. It's sitting right now at #1 on the portal, which feels kind of surreal since when I joined Newgrounds, looking at the stuff on the top of all time list was a huge source of inspiration and something I could really only dream of.
I uploaded a time lapse video today showing how I made the background in the opening shot. Check it out!
2017 is almost here! Next year I hope to collaborate with more animators and work on more cool things! I especially hope the summer jams is a thing that happens again!
Coming sometime in the new year is an animation I worked on with LinkTCOne. Here's a look one of the backgrounds I worked on for it:

Have a great Christmas/Holiday season/New Year!
Merry Christmas. I'll see you next year (get it?)